A connected society: A strategy for tackling loneliness

Front page of the report, with text that says 'A Connected Society. A strategy for tackling loneliness - laying the foundations for change.' The images include a photo of Jo Cox MP and different community members either by themselves or laughing and smiling with other people.

HM Government, 2018

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This strategy largely concentrates on the role that government can play and how it can set the framework to enable local authorities, businesses, health and the voluntary sector, as well as communities and individuals, to support people’s social connections.

This strategy describes government’s commitment to working with others to take forward its long-term ambitions in reducing loneliness and supporting a more connected society. It recognises that while we increasingly understand the impact of loneliness, there is less certainty about its drivers and what works to tackle it.

As a result, this strategy does not set a quantitative target for change. Rather it sets out government’s commitment to establishing a clearer picture of the prevalence of loneliness through a new national measure and by developing the evidence base on what works.

It commits government to publishing annual progress reports that provide an update on the implementation of the policies set out in this strategy, as well as the development of additional policies.